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- 2017-5-4
- 在线时间
- 81 小时
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- 999
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- 2391
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- 2013-9-11
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发表于 2017-4-12 18:24:00
查看: 1393 |
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oracle instance 每天晚上自动terminated,早上重启oracle服务就好了。
ORA-000060: Deadlock detected. More info in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\udump\emat_ora_5104.trc.
Mon Sep 16 21:12:02 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2388
Current log# 3 seq# 2388 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\EMAT\REDO03.LOG
Tue Sep 17 02:33:49 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\udump\emat_ora_1960.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 322802)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27091: skgfqio: unable to queue I/O
ORA-27070: skgfdisp: async read/write failed
OSD-04006: ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 322050)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27091: skgfqio: unable to queue I/O
ORA-27070: skgfdisp: async read/write failed
OSD-04006: ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
Tue Sep 17 02:34:25 2013
KCF: write/open error block=0x4eb0e online=1
error=27072 txt: 'OSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.'
Tue Sep 17 02:34:25 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\emat_dbw1_3788.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 11 (block # 322318)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27072: skgfdisp: I/O error
OSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
DBW1: terminating instance due to error 1242
Tue Sep 17 02:34:31 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\emat_pmon_3780.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
Tue Sep 17 02:34:42 2013
Instance terminated by DBW1, pid = 3788
Dump file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\alert_emat.log
Tue Sep 17 10:30:42 2013
ORACLE V9. - Production vsnsta=0
vsnsql=12 vsnxtr=3
Windows 2000 Version 5.2 Service Pack 2, CPU type 586
Tue Sep 17 10:30:42 2013
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
SCN scheme 2
Using log_archive_dest parameter default value
SYS auditing is disabled
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
System parameters with non-default values:
processes = 150
timed_statistics = TRUE
shared_pool_size = 50331648
large_pool_size = 8388608
java_pool_size = 33554432
control_files = d:\oracle\oradata\emat\control01.ctl, d:\oracle\oradata\emat\control02.ctl, d:\oracle\oradata\emat\control03.ctl
db_block_size = 8192
db_cache_size = 25165824
compatible =
db_file_multiblock_read_count= 16
fast_start_mttr_target = 300
undo_management = AUTO
undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1
undo_retention = 10800
remote_login_passwordfile= EXCLUSIVE
db_domain =
instance_name = emat
dispatchers = (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=ematXDB)
job_queue_processes = 10
hash_join_enabled = TRUE
background_dump_dest = d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump
user_dump_dest = d:\oracle\admin\emat\udump
core_dump_dest = d:\oracle\admin\emat\cdump
sort_area_size = 524288
db_name = emat
open_cursors = 300
star_transformation_enabled= FALSE
query_rewrite_enabled = FALSE
pga_aggregate_target = 25165824
aq_tm_processes = 1
PMON started with pid=2
DBW0 started with pid=3
DBW1 started with pid=4
LGWR started with pid=5
CKPT started with pid=6
SMON started with pid=7
RECO started with pid=8
CJQ0 started with pid=9
QMN0 started with pid=10
Tue Sep 17 10:30:47 2013
starting up 1 shared server(s) ...
starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'...
Tue Sep 17 10:30:48 2013
alter database mount exclusive
Tue Sep 17 10:30:53 2013
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 2984866648.
Tue Sep 17 10:30:53 2013
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode.
Completed: alter database mount exclusive
Tue Sep 17 10:30:53 2013
alter database open
Tue Sep 17 10:30:54 2013
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
Tue Sep 17 10:30:54 2013
Started first pass scan
Tue Sep 17 10:30:54 2013
Completed first pass scan
6119 redo blocks read, 122 data blocks need recovery
Tue Sep 17 10:30:54 2013
Started recovery at
Thread 1: logseq 2388, block 58418, scn 0.0
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 3 Seq 2388 Reading mem 0
Tue Sep 17 10:30:55 2013
Ended recovery at
Thread 1: logseq 2388, block 64537, scn 0.706925635
122 data blocks read, 122 data blocks written, 6119 redo blocks read
Crash recovery completed successfully
Tue Sep 17 10:30:56 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2389
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 2389
Current log# 1 seq# 2389 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\EMAT\REDO01.LOG
Successful open of redo thread 1.
Tue Sep 17 10:30:56 2013
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Tue Sep 17 10:30:57 2013
Undo Segment 1 Onlined
Undo Segment 2 Onlined
Undo Segment 3 Onlined
Undo Segment 4 Onlined
Undo Segment 5 Onlined
Undo Segment 6 Onlined
Undo Segment 7 Onlined
Undo Segment 8 Onlined
Undo Segment 9 Onlined
Undo Segment 10 Onlined
Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 1.
Tue Sep 17 10:30:57 2013
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Tue Sep 17 10:30:57 2013
Database Characterset is JA16SJIS
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
Completed: alter database open
Tue Sep 17 14:58:41 2013
ORA-000060: Deadlock detected. More info in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\udump\emat_ora_4964.trc.
Tue Sep 17 19:37:54 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2390
Current log# 2 seq# 2390 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\EMAT\REDO02.LOG
Wed Sep 18 02:33:57 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\udump\emat_ora_4304.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 322802)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27091: skgfqio: unable to queue I/O
ORA-27070: skgfdisp: async read/write failed
OSD-04006: ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 194954)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27091: skgfqio: unable to queue I/O
ORA-27070: skgfdisp: async read/write failed
OSD-04006: ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
Wed Sep 18 02:34:28 2013
KCF: write/open error block=0x4eeef online=1
error=27072 txt: 'OSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.'
Wed Sep 18 02:34:28 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\emat_dbw0_3700.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 11 (block # 323311)
ORA-01110: data file 11: 'F:\EMAT_VAULT\EMAT\EMATRIX_DATA.ORA'
ORA-27072: skgfdisp: I/O error
OSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
DBW0: terminating instance due to error 1242
Wed Sep 18 02:34:31 2013
Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\emat_pmon_3660.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
Instance terminated by DBW0, pid = 3700
Dump file d:\oracle\admin\emat\bdump\alert_emat.log