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发表于 2012-6-8 20:46:09 | 查看: 6363| 回复: 2
无论是在安装crs 的时候指定sl_tableList={"yunrac1:yunrac1-priv:yunrac1-vip:N:Y","yunrac2:yunrac2-priv:yunrac2-vip:N:Y"}

还是在 安装DB的时候指定CLUSTER_NODES={"yunrac1","yunrac2"}

runInstaller -silent 执行的时候都没有有效的读取到这个值,结果导致只在本地安装了,没有复制到remote节点去。而通过修改rsp 文件可以正确识别node的参数。

runInstaller -silent   -responseFile $DISTRIB/response/enterprise.rsp  ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db  ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraDb10g_Home1  CLUSTER_NODES={"yunrac1","yunrac2"}    n_configurationOption=3

但是在里面同样还是会看到remote_node 错误的取到yunrac1 去了,正确的应该是yunrac2
INFO: Setting variable 'LOCAL_NODE' to 'yunrac1'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'REMOTE_NODES' to 'yunrac1,'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: isRollingUpgradeEnabled():false
INFO: Setting the 'ClusterInstallDescription' property to 'Select nodes (in addition to the local node) in the hardware cluster where the installer should install products that you select in this installation.'.
INFO: Setting the 'SingleInstanceDescription' property to 'Select this option if you want to perform a single node non-cluster installation even though the local node is part of a hardware cluster.'.
INFO: Setting the 'InvalidNodes' property to 'null'.
INFO: Setting the 'AllowRemoteNodeSelection' property to 'true'.
INFO: Setting the 'ShowCRSSoftwareVersion' property to 'false'.
INFO: Setting the 'NewHome' property to 'true'.
INFO: Setting the 'ClusterNodes ( CLUSTER_NODES )' property to ''. Received the value from the default settings.
INFO: Setting the 'LocalNode ( LOCAL_NODE )' property to 'yunrac1'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'RemoteNodes ( REMOTE_NODES )' property to 'yunrac1,'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'REMOTE_NODES' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'LOCAL_NODE' to ''. Received the value from a code block.

想知道这个通病,还是我自己的某地方设置导致。thanks  maclean


688.99 KB, 下载次数: 856

发表于 2012-6-8 21:42:07

/data/ora_setup/database/install/unzip -qqq ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui/\*.jar -d /tmp/OraInstall2012-06-08_08-08-26PM

就日志看 安装的是

silent install rac 10gR2  你follow   的是哪一个文档?

是否有参考 以下文档
  1. Silent Installation of Oracle 10g RAC Database on Unix Platform

  2. [Callout Text]
  3. This article describes a practical way of Oracle 10g RAC Database silent Installation on Unix Platform. The detailed installation steps with response files and logs have been given.
  4. Silent Installation of Oracle 10g RAC Database on Unix Platform.. 1
  5. 1. The Advantage of Silent Installation. 1
  6. 2. Silent Installation With Response File. 1
  7. A. Create New Response File. 1
  8. B. Edit the Response File. 1
  9. C. Perform Silent Installation. 1
  10. 3. Oracle RAC Silent Installation Practice. 2
  11. A. Oracle Clusterware Silent Installation. 2
  12. B. Oracle RDBMS Software Silent Installation. 9
  13. C. Database and Instances Silent Creation. 14
  14. 4. References. 17

  15. 1. The Advantage of Silent Installation

  16. The way most DBA perform the installation is to load a CD, select options from the GUI interface and then click "Next". However, sometime GUI is slow, clicking on a few buttons and sitting back to watch a progress bar is just a wasting of time. Situation become even worse when some Unix servers do not have a GUI interface available. With the silent installation and response files, you can load the media once and practically eliminate any user input, just to start and switch to other work and then come back to check the installation log. This art discuss about the detailed steps for Oracle 10g RAC silent installation.

  17. 2. Silent Installation With Response File

  18. The first step to perform a silent installation is to create the response files. There are sample response files come with the Oracle installation CDs of almost every release, however, you can create your own response file based on your own installation options using the -record option of runInstaller.

  19. A. Create New Response File

  20. We can record the response file in a GUI available server, and then use the response file for the installation on other server if the installation options are the same, as using the command below:

  21. ./runInstaller -record -destinationFile
  22. where the is the complete path for the new response file[1].

  23. The OUI then shows up the welcome page. Follow the same installation step as usual and just before the actual installation started the OUI will generate the response file with the option you selected.

  24. B. Edit the Response File

  25. If the response files are used for the installation on other servers, edit the response file for IP address, hostname and cluster settings;

  26. C. Perform Silent Installation

  27. The silent installation is performed by start Oracle Universal Installer with the response file specified as below :

  28. ./runInstaller -responseFile
  29. where are the options such as -force or -ignoreSysPrereqs.

  30. Upon successful installation, OUI will prompt you to run the script with root privileges

  31. 3. Oracle RAC Silent Installation Practice

  32. A. Oracle Clusterware Silent Installation

  33. After executing of CDROM/disk2/clusterware/rootpre/,
  34. we run CDROM/disk2/clusterware/runInstaller -record -destinationFile /tmp/install_crs.rsp

  35. The installation GUI comes out and we following the same steps as usual:

  36. On the confirmation page, before click the "install" button , the OUI will generated the response file as below:

  37. With the response file we can apply the silent installation on other server , with the command
  38. ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /tmp/install_crs.rsp

  39. If the VIP configuration need to be modified, we can invoke the vipca in silent mode with "root" user using command as below:

  40. as root use,
  41. cd $CRS_HOME/bin
  42. ./vipca -silent -nodelist node1,node2 -nodevips node1/node1-vip-addr/netmask/interface,node2/node2-vip-addr/netmask/interface.. -orahome

  43. # ./vipca -silent -nodelist SGEPRDDB1A,SGEPRDDB2A -nodevips SGEPRDDB1A/,SGEPRDDB2A/ -orahome /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db

  44. Creating VIP application resource on (0) nodes.
  45. Creating GSD application resource on (0) nodes.
  46. Creating ONS application resource on (0) nodes.
  47. Starting VIP application resource on (2) nodes...
  48. Starting GSD application resource on (2) nodes...
  49. Starting ONS application resource on (2) nodes...

  50. Done.
  51. B. Oracle RDBMS Software Silent Installation

  52. After executing of CDROM/disk1/database/rootpre/,
  53. we run CDROM/disk1/database/runInstaller -record -destinationFile /tmp/install_10g.rsp with the following steps:

  54. Just before the actual installation , the OUI will generate the response file as below:

  55. Now with the response file we can apply the silent installation on other server as below

  56. ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /tmp/install_10g.rsp

  57. SGEPRDDB1A>$ ./runInstaller -record -destinationFile /tmp/install_10g.rsp
  58. **************************************************************************
  59. ******

  60. Your platform requires the root user to perform certain pre-installation
  61. OS preparation. The root user should run the shell script '' is
  62. fore
  63. you proceed with Oracle installation. can be found at the top
  64. level
  65. of the CD or the stage area.

  66. Answer 'y' if root has run '' so you can proceed with Oracle
  67. installation.
  68. Answer 'n' to abort installation and then ask root to run ''.

  69. **************************************************************************
  70. ******

  71. Has '' been run by root? [y/n] (n)
  72. y

  73. Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

  74. No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
  75. Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /software/app/oracle/OraInstall2007-01-31_08-33-14AM. Please wait Universal Installer, Version Production
  76. Copyright (C) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

  77. You can find a log of this install session at:
  78. /software/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2007-01-31_08-33-14AM.log
  79. .................................................................................................... 100% Done.

  80. Loading Product Information
  81. .................................................................................................................... 100% Done.

  82. Performing tests to see whether nodes are available
  83. ............................................................... 100% Done.

  84. Analyzing dependencies
  85. .........................................................................
  86. Starting execution of Prerequisites...
  87. Total No of checks: 8

  88. Performing check for CertifiedVersions
  89. Checking operating system requirements ...
  90. Expected result: One of 5200.004,5300.002
  91. Actual Result: 5200.004
  92. Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed

  93. Check complete: Passed
  94. =======================================================================
  95. Performing check for Packages
  96. Checking operating system package requirements ...
  97. Checking for bos.adt.base(0.0); found bos.adt.base( Passed
  98. Checking for bos.adt.lib(0.0); found bos.adt.lib( Passed
  99. Checking for bos.adt.libm(0.0); found bos.adt.libm( Passed
  100. Checking for bos.perf.libperfstat(0.0); found bos.perf.libperfstat( Passed
  101. Checking for bos.perf.perfstat(0.0); found bos.perf.perfstat( Passed
  102. .....
  103. =======================================================================
  104. PrereqChecks complete

  105. ........................................... 100% Done.

  106. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. Summary
  108. Global Settings
  109. Source: /cdrom/disk1/database/stage/products.xml
  110. Oracle Home: /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0 (Oracle10gr2)
  111. Node Name: SGEPRDDB1A
  112. Installation Type: Enterprise Edition
  113. Product Languages
  114. English
  115. Space Requirements
  116. /software/ Required 3.66GB (includes 200MB temporary) : Available 17.89GB
  117. /tmp/ Required 9MB (only as temporary space) : Available 36MB
  118. New Installations (107 products)
  119. Oracle Database 10g
  120. Enterprise Edition Options
  121. .....
  122. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  123. Installation in progress (Wed Jan 31 08:33:39 GMT+08:00 2007)
  124. ............................................................... 6% Done.
  125. ............................................................... 13% Done.
  126. ............................................................... 20% Done.
  127. ............................................................... 26% Done.
  128. ............................................................... 33% Done.
  129. ............................................................... 40% Done.
  130. ............................................................... 46% Done.
  131. ............................................................... 53% Done.
  132. ............................................................... 60% Done.
  133. ............................................................... 66% Done.
  134. Install successful

  135. Linking in progress (Wed Jan 31 08:36:30 GMT+08:00 2007)
  136. ..................................... 66% Done.
  137. Link successful

  138. Setup in progress (Wed Jan 31 08:38:55 GMT+08:00 2007)
  139. ..................................... 100% Done.
  140. Setup successful

  141. End of install phases.(Wed Jan 31 08:39:04 GMT+08:00 2007)
  142. WARNING:A new inventory has been created on one or more nodes in this session. However, it has not yet been registered as the central inventory of this system.
  143. To register the new inventory please run the script at '/software/app/oracle/oraInventory/' with root privileges on nodes 'SGEPRDDB1A','SGEPRDDB2A'.
  144. If you do not register the inventory, you may not be able to update or patch the products you installed.

  145. The following configuration scripts
  146. /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/
  147. need to be executed as root in the nodes: SGEPRDDB1A,SGEPRDDB2A for configuring the system(s). If you skip the execution of the configuration tools, the configuration will not be complete and the product wont function properly. In order to get the product to function properly, you will be required to execute the scripts and the configuration tools after exiting the OUI.
  148. The installation of Oracle Database 10g was successful.
  149. Please check '/software/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2007-01-31_08-33-14AM.log' for more details.

  150. We need to run the follow scripts as root user in both nodes to complete the installation:
  151. /software/app/oracle/oraInventory/
  152. /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/

  153. The Oracle clusterware and RDBMS patches can also be installed silently with similar method.

  154. C. Database and Instances Silent Creation

  155. The DBCA utility do not have the -record option, however, we can use the creating script function of DBCA to generate database creation scripts as below:

  156. The script will create the database on first node only and then create the instances on other node(s).

  157. On the 1st node:

  158. SGEPRDDB1A>$ cd /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts
  159. SGEPRDDB1A>$ ls
  160. CreateClustDBViews.sql CreateDBFiles.sql proddb1.sql postDBCreation.sql
  161. CreateDB.sql JServer.sql emRepository.sql
  162. CreateDBCatalog.sql init.ora
  163. SGEPRDDB1A>$ cat
  164. #!/bin/sh
  165. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/adump
  166. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/bdump
  167. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/cdump
  168. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/dpdump
  169. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/hdump
  170. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/pfile
  171. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/udump
  172. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/cfgtoollogs/dbca/proddb
  173. mkdir -p /db/proddb/ctrl
  174. ORACLE_SID=proddb1; export ORACLE_SID
  175. echo You should Add this entry in the /etc/oratab: proddb:/software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db:Y
  176. /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/sqlplus /nolog @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/proddb1.sql
  177. SGEPRDDB1A>$
  178. SGEPRDDB1A>$ cat proddb1.sql
  179. set verify off
  180. PROMPT specify a password for sys as parameter 1;
  181. DEFINE sysPassword = &1
  182. PROMPT specify a password for system as parameter 2;
  183. DEFINE systemPassword = &2
  184. PROMPT specify a password for sysman as parameter 3;
  185. DEFINE sysmanPassword = &3
  186. PROMPT specify a password for dbsnmp as parameter 4;
  187. DEFINE dbsnmpPassword = &4
  188. host /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/orapwd file=/software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/dbs/orapwproddb1 password=&&sysPassword force=y
  189. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDB.sql
  190. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDBFiles.sql
  191. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDBCatalog.sql
  192. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/JServer.sql
  193. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/emRepository.sql
  194. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateClustDBViews.sql
  195. host echo "SPFILE='/db/proddb/ctrl/spfileproddb.ora'" > /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/dbs/initproddb1.ora
  196. @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/postDBCreation.sql

  197. On the 2nd node:

  198. SGEPRDDB2A>$ cd /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts
  199. SGEPRDDB2A>$ ls
  200. CreateClustDBViews.sql CreateDBFiles.sql proddb2.sql postDBCreation.sql
  201. CreateDB.sql JServer.sql emRepository.sql
  202. CreateDBCatalog.sql init.ora
  203. SGEPRDDB2A>$ cat
  204. #!/bin/sh
  205. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/adump
  206. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/bdump
  207. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/cdump
  208. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/dpdump
  209. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/hdump
  210. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/pfile
  211. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/udump
  212. mkdir -p /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/cfgtoollogs/dbca/proddb
  213. mkdir -p /db/proddb/ctrl
  214. ORACLE_SID=proddb2; export ORACLE_SID
  215. echo You should Add this entry in the /etc/oratab: proddb:/software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db:Y
  216. /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/sqlplus /nolog @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/proddb2.sql
  217. SGEPRDDB2A>$ cat proddb2.sql
  218. set verify off
  219. PROMPT specify a password for sys as parameter 1;
  220. DEFINE sysPassword = &1
  221. PROMPT specify a password for system as parameter 2;
  222. DEFINE systemPassword = &2
  223. PROMPT specify a password for sysman as parameter 3;
  224. DEFINE sysmanPassword = &3
  225. PROMPT specify a password for dbsnmp as parameter 4;
  226. DEFINE dbsnmpPassword = &4
  227. host /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/orapwd file=/software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/dbs/orapwproddb2 password=&&sysPassword force=y
  228. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDB.sql
  229. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDBFiles.sql
  230. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateDBCatalog.sql
  231. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/JServer.sql
  232. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/emRepository.sql
  233. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/CreateClustDBViews.sql
  234. host echo SPFILE='/db/proddb/ctrl/spfileproddb.ora' > /software/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/dbs/initproddb2.ora
  235. host echo Run script "/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/" from node "SGEPRDDB1A" if you have not already run it.
  236. REM @/software/app/oracle/admin/proddb/scripts/postDBCreation.sql

  237. We can edit the scripts with database name and parameters, and then apply on other servers.

  238. 4. References

  239. [1] Oracle® Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide
  240. 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Windows and UNIX
FROM http://oracledbaforum.blogspot.c ... oracle-10g-rac.html

回复 只看该作者 道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-8 22:54:00
sorry ,忘记帖版本了

跟着 ... ation-of-a-102-rac/


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