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发表于 2017-8-15 11:44:04 | 查看: 14813| 回复: 2
环境:redhat 6.9+ oracle
报错信息:在安装grid时,perform prerequisite checks时,报如下错误信息
ASM device sharedness check - This check verifies the sharedness of devices selected for ASM.  Error:
PRVG-10487 : Storage "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0856" is not shared on all nodes.  - Cause:  The indicated storage was not shared across the nodes.  - Action:  Review additional error messages for details.
PRVG-10487 : Storage "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0855" is not shared on all nodes.  - Cause:  The indicated storage was not shared across the nodes.  - Action:  Review additional error messages for details.
PRVG-10487 : Storage "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0854" is not shared on all nodes.  - Cause:  The indicated storage was not shared across the nodes.  - Action:  Review additional error messages for details.

  Operation Failed on Nodes: [yundb2b,  yundb2a]  
Verification result of failed node: yundb2b  Details:
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0856" could not be determined on node "yundb2b". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0855" could not be determined on node "yundb2b". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0854" could not be determined on node "yundb2b". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
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Verification result of failed node: yundb2a  Details:
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0856" could not be determined on node "yundb2a". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0855" could not be determined on node "yundb2a". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0854" could not be determined on node "yundb2a". PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags  - Cause:  An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage type of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details.  - Action:  Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry.
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发表于 2017-8-15 12:37:40
12.2: PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/mapper/asm011p1" could not be determined (文档 ID 2251322.1)        转到底部转到底部       

In this Document


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

12.2 fails shared storage check:

PRVG-0802 : Storage type for path "/dev/mapper/asm011p1" could not be determined on node "racnode1".

PRVG-0801 : invalid internal command tags

Turned on CVU tracing and found:

77584 : [Worker 2] [ 2017-03-20 10:11:07.440 CDT ][UnixSystem.dorunRemoteExecCmd:4159] Final unix SSH command: /usr/bin/ssh -o FallBackToRsh=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 danlrlb931 -n /tmp/CVU_12. -getstorage /dev/mapper/asm002p
77589 : [Thread-567] [ 2017-03-20 10:11:07.462 CDT ] [] OUTPUT>160/tmp/CVU_12. -getstorage /dev/mapper/asm002p danlrlb930GLOBALstat2/dev/mapper/mappermNo such file or directoryNo such file or directoryCVU00137realpath /dev/mapper/dev/mapper0Exectask:getstorage failed.


Bug was opened to investigate:

BUG 25715271 - 12.2 LNX PRVG-0802 : STORAGE TYPE FOR PATH


The bug is still being worked, once permission of the following file is changed to 644, the error disappeared.

-rw-------. 1 root root 2754 Apr 1 11:20 /etc/multipath.conf
Apply patch 25784424, if CVU storage check fails for ASMLib paths

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发表于 2017-8-16 17:02:42
这种报错 一般是可以忽略的
PRVG-10487 : Storage "/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0856" is not shared on all nodes.  - Cause:  The indicated storage was not shared across the nodes.  - Action:  Review additional error messages for details.

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