- 最后登录
- 2014-9-10
- 在线时间
- 34 小时
- 威望
- 62
- 金钱
- 508
- 注册时间
- 2012-1-30
- 阅读权限
- 50
- 帖子
- 53
- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 62
- 187
发表于 2013-4-9 11:08:43
查看: 6155 |
回复: 3
SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
SQL语句在dataguard环境执行的时候报错:ORA-00976: 此处不允许指定的伪列或运算符。错误应该出在在SQL语句标红色的部分。
select tcm.policy_id,
tc.company_id as customer_id,
tc.company_name as real_name,
tc.id_no as certi_code,
ta.real_name as agent_name,
tco.company_name as organ_name,
1 as policy_year,
1 as policy_period,
tpm.mode_id as pay_mode,
tpm.mode_name as pay_name,
(select cp.initial_type
from t_contract_product cp
where cp.policy_id = tcp.policy_id
and tcp.product_id = cp.product_id
and tcp.product_num = cp.product_num
and rownum = 1) as charge_type,
(select cm.charge_name
from t_contract_product cp, t_charge_mode cm
where cp.policy_id = tcp.policy_id
and tcp.product_id = cp.product_id
and cm.charge_type = cp.initial_type
and tcp.product_num = cp.product_num
and rownum = 1) as charge_name,
((select min(tcf.check_enter_time)
from t_policy_fee tcf
where tcf.fee_type = 11
and tcf.fee_status = 1
and tcf.policy_id = tcm.policy_id)) as pay_date,
tcm.validate_date as pay_start_date,
((select min(p.due_time)
from t_policy_prem p
where p.fee_type = 24
and p.policy_id = tcm.policy_id) - 1) as pay_end_date,
tipm.print_time as printtime,
(select cp.charge_period
from t_contract_product cp
where cp.policy_id = tcp.policy_id
and tcp.product_id = cp.product_id
and tcp.product_num = cp.product_num
and rownum = 1) as charge_period,
(select max(end_date)
from (select end_date as end_date
from (select t.end_date, t.insured_1
from t_contract_product t, t_contract_master cm
where t.master_id is null
and t.prem_status = 2
and t.policy_id = cm.policy_id
and cm.policy_code = '410000016898090'
group by t.end_date, t.insured_1
order by end_date desc)
where rownum < 2
select end_date as end_date
from (select t.pay_to_date - 1 as end_date
from t_contract_product t, t_contract_master cm
where t.prem_status <> 2
and t.policy_id = cm.policy_id
and cm.policy_code = '410000016898090'
and not exists
(select 1
from t_contract_product it,
t_contract_master cm2
where it.master_id is null
and it.prem_status = 2
and it.policy_id = cm2.policy_id
and cm2.policy_code = '410000016898090'
and it.insured_1 = t.insured_1
and it.policy_id = t.policy_id)
order by end_date desc)
where rownum < 2)) as end_date,
((select nvl(sum(t.fee_amount), 0)
from t_policy_fee t
where t.policy_id = tcm.policy_id
and t.fee_type = 41
and t.fee_status = 1) -
(select nvl(sum(tpf.fee_amount), 0)
from t_policy_fee tpf
where tpf.change_id in
(select tpc.change_id
from t_policy_change tpc
where tpc.service_id = 223
and tpc.policy_id = tcm.policy_id)
and tpf.policy_id = tcm.policy_id
and tpf.fee_status = 1
and tpf.fee_type = 42)) as invocie_amount,
from t_contract_master tcm,
t_group_product tcp,
t_product_life tpl,
t_company_customer tc,
t_agent ta,
t_company_organ tco,
t_pay_mode tpm,
t_policy_fee pp
left join t_invoice_print_main tipm
on pp.policy_id = tipm.policy_id
and tipm.organ_id in
(select co2.organ_id
from t_company_organ co2
start with co2.organ_id =
(select co.organ_id
from t_company_organ co
where co.class_id = 2
start with co.organ_id = '1411400'
connect by prior co.parent_id = co.organ_id)
connect by prior co2.organ_id = co2.parent_id
select co3.organ_id from t_company_organ co3 where co3.class_id = 1)
and tipm.print_tache = 2
and tipm.annul_stauts in (1, 2, 3)
where tcm.policy_code = '410000016898090'
and tcp.policy_id = tcm.policy_id
and tpl.product_id = tcp.product_id
and tc.company_id = tcm.company_id
and ta.agent_id = tcm.agent_id
and tco.organ_id = tcm.organ_id
and tpm.mode_id = pp.pay_mode
and tcp.product_num = 100
and tcp.master_id is null
and pp.fee_type = 11
and pp.policy_id = tcm.policy_id
and pp.fee_status = 1
and exists (select 1
from t_policy_fee pf
where pf.fee_status = 1
and pf.fee_type = 11
and pf.policy_id = tcm.policy_id)
and rownum < 2