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Oracle Database 11g – Underground Advice for Database Administrators
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What this book covers
Chapter 1, When to Step Away from the Keyboard, answers the question "What does
a DBA do all day?" It contains a comprehensive list of prioritized tasks that the
average DBA is responsible for. A common theme throughout the book is introduced
in this chapter: Tools should be extensible, fexible, and ubiquitous. Included in this
chapter is a list of commonly seen mistakes that can be easily avoided by adopting
recommended practices. Emphasis is placed on the attitude and philosophy that a
DBA should have while doing their job as a valuable team member.
Chapter 2, Maintaining Oracle Standards, discusses "standards" such as Oracle's
Optimal Flexible Architecture, Unix shell scripting, code and confguration basics.
This is meant to provide a solid foundation designed to reduce future maintenance.
This is where your dedication to detail comes into play, as it takes work to enforce
standards, especially when the personnel in your department change. A DBA
should be comfortable with the fact that a migration to the next patch set, version,
or hardware replacement will always be in progress. This requires multiple Oracle
Homes with completely separate environments that can be easily switched; this
chapter outlines how to accomplish this goal. The new 11g Automatic Diagnostic
Repository features, for diagnosing and repairing certain types of failures, will be
outlined in the chapter as well.
Chapter 3, Tracking the Bits and Bytes, covers how data moves from one database
component to the next; the mechanics or essential architectural infrastructure at
the block level; what the data in a datafle, redo, undo, or archivelog actually looks
like; and how the database keeps up with SCN changes. Dumping database blocks
provides the raw hexadecimal values that convert to the characters that the end
user sees at the application level. Other utilities such as LogMiner can be used to
access information from certain database components, as well as the very basic Unix
command strings. These essential concepts will provide you with the confdence that
you can survive any disaster that you may have to tackle. Corruption prevention and
detection is covered because this is one of the real tests for excelling at your job. No
one really wants to have to fx corruption when it happens, because the data  
becomes unrecoverable fast.
Chapter 4, Achieving Maximum Uptime, covers redundancy at all levels: hardware,
software, databases, ASM, SAN(s), and load balancers. Databases become
redundant with Data Guard and RAC. This chapter offers an introduction to
network and SQL*Net tuning for all types of implementations. Achieve the smallest
outage windows by moving to rolling upgrades, ensuring there is some sort of
backup plan for important personnel as well as documenting confgurations with
Oracle Confguration Manager. There are always single points of failure in every
organization; identifying them is the frst step on the path to a fully documented
disaster recovery plan.
Chapter 5, Data Guard and Flashback, explains that the combination of Oracle's
Flashback and Data Guard makes recovery scenarios, stress testing, and hot fx
patching on a physical standby possible by making the database read and write
temporarily. Using both Data Guard and Flashback in tandem can reduce or
eliminate downtime for the primary database in certain types of recovery situations.
It may reduce or eliminate the need for duplication of hardware for testing  
purposes. Several scenarios are outlined in detail, along with recommendations  
for implementations that fulfll disaster recovery goals.
Chapter 6, Extended RMAN, covers the essential tool for DBAs—RMAN, which is just
complicated enough to warrant its own chapter. In this chapter, we will provide the
foundations for writing your own scripts to get you started using this utility today.
While the previous standard backups consisted of either a basic cold or hot version,
RMAN does that and also adds even more fexibility when automating backup (and
even recovery) routines. RMAN is the basic utility behind several types of disaster
recovery and migration tasks such as: Creating Physical and Logical Standby(s).
You can restore between different versions and migrate to new hardware using
Transportable Tablespaces. RMAN is also involved with 11g's ADR Detected  
Failure Repairs, as well as duplication across the network (both local and remote).
Chapter 7, Migrating to 11g: A Step-Ordered Approach, talks about how migrating to a
newer Oracle Database version doesn't have to be confned to a single outage period.
Several interim steps can be done ahead of time to certain compatible components,
saving valuable time. In a general sense, Oracle is backwards compatible for making
that transition from an earlier version to a later one. The following components can
be upgraded while still remaining compatible with earlier versions of Oracle:
•         Oracle Net Services
•         Clients
•         RMAN binary, Virtual Private, and Normal Catalog Database
•         Grid Control Repository Database
•         Grid Control Management Agents
•         Automatic Storage Management and Clusterware
This is an essential guide for upgrading to 11g using a multiple home environment:
Cloning Oracle homes, Oracle Universal Installer (interactive, silent, and suppressed
modes), RMAN catalog, and SQL Net. All of the options for performing upgrades are
touched on in this book: DBUA, Manual Method, Export/Import, Data pump, TTS,
RMAN, Physical Standbys, and the newer Transient Logical Standby.
Chapter 8, 11g Tuning Tools, covers ORION, TRCANL�R, and Statspack utilities.  TRCANL�R, and Statspack utilities.  and Statspack utilities.
While it is easy to show someone how to use a tool, it takes experience to correctly
interpret the results you get. This chapter will also cover different free-source,
load-testing tools for forecasting trends of CPU utilization and I/O; in other words
predicting the approximate time to purchase new hardware before the end user
experiences degraded performance. 11g features such as SQL Plan Management
will be covered along with Oracle's own Enterprise Manager tuning tools. A large
portion of this chapter is dedicated to the migration path for upgrading the query
optimizer using SQL Plan Management from 10g to 11g. Start a new paragraph from
here, you might still be overwhelmed with all of the work set before you, and that's
is why you've bought this book in the frst place. This is a book you will keep for a
long time, referring back again and again for each new project. It will be especially
handy to show management when they start altering your job description. It is our
hope that this is only a starting place for your career as a DBA and that by reading
this book, you will share the knowledge with your peers as an active participant in
Oracle User Groups.

Oracle Database 11g – Underground Advice for Database Administrators.pdf

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