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发表于 2012-1-4 22:19:40 | 查看: 7129| 回复: 3

SQL> alter diskgroup REDOLOG mount;
alter diskgroup REDOLOG mount
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15017: diskgroup "REDOLOG" cannot be mounted
ORA-15063: ASM discovered an insufficient number of disks for diskgroup
发表于 2012-1-5 20:56:26
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回复 只看该作者 道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-4 22:46:15
Storage cloning doesn't create a consistent image during split copy.

There is a problem in other disk metadata structures (PST block, listheader f1b1locn, disk directory, etc.)

The problem is the incorrect initial configuration of the clones on the storage array. The first time copy must be the full sync. After only having a full first copy, it is possible to do incremental clone.
There is various storage cloning methods and technologies used by different storage vendors. As long as the cloning techology creates consistent snapshots of all the disks in an ASM disk group then the diskgroup based on the copied LUNs can be mounted at an alternate site.
- EMC CLARiiON SnapView and MirrorView (also known as BCV copy)
- Hitachi Data Systems (HDS):
Universal Storage Platform Replication Software
- IBM FlashCopy

Most common disk cloning technologies is mentioned in the following link. The documents specific for each vendor also explains the best practices when creating the disk copies.

回复 只看该作者 道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-4 22:40:24
ASM Disk 可能存在问题

  1. spool asm_diag1.txt
  2. set pagesize 1000
  3. set lines 500
  4. col "Group Name"   form a25
  5. col "Disk Name"    form a30
  6. col "State"  form a15
  7. col "Type"   form a7
  8. col "Free GB"   form 9,999
  9. alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
  10. select sysdate "Date and Time" from dual;

  11. select * from v$asm_diskgroup order by 1;
  12. select * from v$asm_disk order by 1, 2, 3;
  13. select * from gv$asm_operation order by 1;
  14. select * from v$version where banner like '%Database%' order by 1;
  15. select * from gv$asm_client order by 1;

  16. prompt

  17. prompt ASM Disk Groups
  18. prompt ===============

  19. select group_number  "Group"
  20. ,      name          "Group Name"
  21. ,      state         "State"
  22. ,      type          "Type"
  23. ,      total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
  24. ,      free_mb/1024  "Free GB"
  25. from   v$asm_diskgroup
  26. /

  27. prompt
  28. prompt ASM Disks
  29. prompt ==============

  30. col "Group"          form 999
  31. col "Disk"           form 999
  32. col "Header"         form a9
  33. col "Mode"           form a8
  34. col "Redundancy"     form a10
  35. col "Failure Group"  form a10
  36. col "Path"           form a19

  37. select group_number  "Group"
  38. ,      disk_number   "Disk"
  39. ,      header_status "Header"
  40. ,      mode_status   "Mode"
  41. ,      state         "State"
  42. ,      redundancy    "Redundancy"
  43. ,      total_mb      "Total MB"
  44. ,      free_mb       "Free MB"
  45. ,      name          "Disk Name"
  46. ,      failgroup     "Failure Group"
  47. ,      path          "Path"
  48. from   v$asm_disk
  49. order by group_number
  50. ,        disk_number

  51. /

  52. prompt
  53. prompt Instances currently accessing these diskgroups
  54. prompt ==============================================

  55. select c.group_number  "Group"
  56. ,          "Group Name"
  57. ,      c.instance_name "Instance"
  58. from   v$asm_client c
  59. ,      v$asm_diskgroup g
  60. where  g.group_number=c.group_number
  61. /

  62. prompt
  63. prompt Report the Percentage of Imbalance in all Mounted Diskgroups
  64. prompt ==============================================
  65. select dfail, count(dfail) from
  66. (
  67. select disk, count(failgroup) as dfail
  68. from x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk where
  69. number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=group_number
  70. group by disk, failgroup
  71. )
  72. group by dfail;

  73. select as "GROUP", as "DISK", d.failgroup, fcnt, pcnt,
  74. decode(pcnt - fcnt, 0, 'MUST', 'SHOULD') as action from
  75. (select gnum, DISK1, failgroup, count(failgroup) as fcnt from
  76. (select gnum, DISK1
  77. from
  78. (
  79. select d.group_number as gnum, disk as disk1,
  80. count(distinct failgroup) as dfail
  81. from x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk_stat d where
  82. number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=d.group_number
  83. and active_kfdpartner=1
  84. group by d.group_number, disk
  85. ), v$asm_disk_stat
  86. where dfail < 3
  87. and disk1=disk_number
  88. and gnum=group_number),
  89. x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk_stat d where
  90. number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=d.group_number and grp=gnum
  91. and disk1=disk
  92. and active_kfdpartner=1
  93. group by gnum, disk1, failgroup),
  94. (select grp, disk, count(disk) as pcnt from x$kfdpartner where
  95. active_kfdpartner=1 group by grp, disk),
  96. v$asm_diskgroup_stat g, v$asm_disk_stat d
  97. where gnum=grp and gnum=g.group_number and gnum=d.group_number and
  98. disk=disk1 and disk=disk_number and
  99. ((fcnt = 1 and (pcnt - fcnt) > 3) or ((pcnt - fcnt) = 0))
  100. /

  101. col TYPE form a15
  102. col FILE_NUMBER form 9999 head FILE_NUM
  103. col GROUP_NUMBER form 9999 head GR_NUM
  104. col GB for 9999.99

  105. select GROUP_NUMBER   ,
  106. FILE_NUMBER          ,
  107. COMPOUND_INDEX       ,
  108. INCARNATION          ,
  109. BLOCK_SIZE           ,
  110. BLOCKS               ,
  111. BYTES/1024/1024/1024 GB ,
  112. TYPE                 ,
  113. STRIPED              ,
  114. CREATION_DATE        ,
  116. from v$asm_file
  117. where TYPE != 'ARCHIVELOG'
  118. /

  119. prompt
  120. prompt free ASM disks and their paths
  121. prompt ===========================
  122. select header_status , mode_status, path from V$asm_disk
  123. where header_status in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')
  124. /

  125. show parameter asm
  126. show parameter size
  127. show parameter proc
  128. show parameter cluster
  129. show parameter instance_type
  130. show parameter instance_name

  131. show parameter pfile

  132. show sga

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