AUX_NAME VARCHAR2(513) Auxiliary name that has been set for this file via CONFIGURE AUXNAME
PROCEDURE setDatafileAux( dfnumber IN binary_integer
,fname IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL);
-- setDbfileAux sets auxilary filename.
-- Input parameters:
-- dfnumber
-- Data file number of a file to alter. This refers to the file that
-- is currently accessible via SQL commands.
-- fname
-- Name of the file to be set as auxfilename.
-- Exceptions:
-- The database is not mounted.
-- NAME-TOO-LONG (ora-19704)
-- The specified name is longer than the port-specific
-- maximum file name length.
-- FILE-IN-USE (ora-19584)
-- The specified output file is already in use by the database as a
-- datafile, online redo log or auxname for some other file.