Inside Overview of ASM Metadata
Inside Overview of ASM MetadataObjective of Understanding ASM Metadata
Fixed V$ Views in ASM
Fixed X$ Tables in ASM
Some Real Time Examples
11g New features
Configuration and Performance Measurement
Using V$ Views
ASMCMD Command Line Interface
ASM Home page
Not a easy way to map the database files and physical disks
Need to understand the ASM metadata information
Need to understand the internals of ASM
These Views helps in understanding the following metrics
Physical Mapping
Provides Undocumented Information
18 X$ Tables (May be more)
ASM的内部结构的文章,很不错啊 好像下载的人不多啊!... 好东西, 很不错, 但不怎么用ASM, 一直用裸的 看看怎么样 应该会很不错 不过有点贵 下载啦,学习下