How not to LOSE your ASM disks on Linux
How not to LOSE your ASM disks on LinuxWhat is the disk I’m looking at (sg_inq or 3rd party driver specific tool)
What is on the header of the disk (dd / kfed / kfod / fdisk)
What is inside the disk(dd / asmcmd / fsck )
What was the original design(off-line documentation)
What is the current problem / error(ASM alert log, /var/log/messages, dmesg, other)
dd – disk dump (data description) – standard *NIX command to read or write raw data to a disk
Example, backup the header of your ASM disks:dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/tmp/sdb1-hdr bs=512 count=1
kfed / kfod – utilities from Oracle available since 10gR1 though hidden.
Can read the header of an ASM disk and show you the contents
To make KFED utility for 10g
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
cp ins_rdbms.mk_prekfed
Modify the file:
Duplicate the ikfod lines, then change all occurrences of kfod to kfed (I.E.ikfed: $(KFED)-mv -f $(ORACLE_HOME)/bin/kfed $(ORACLE_HOME)/bin/kfed0-mv $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/kfed $(ORACLE_HOME)/bin/kfed-chmod 751 $(ORACLE_HOME)/bin/kfed
cp ssskfeded.o sskfeded.o
make -f ikfed
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