ALLSTARS_ORACLE 发表于 2017-4-14 16:52:30


SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced

Successful open of redo thread 1
Mon Mar 25 21:44:51 CST 2013
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Mon Mar 25 21:44:51 CST 2013
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Mon Mar 25 21:44:51 CST 2013
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 4krwuz0ctqxdt, SCN: 0x0c12.e9c60b27):
Mon Mar 25 21:44:51 CST 2013
select ctime, mtime, stime from obj$ where obj# = :1
Mon Mar 25 21:44:51 CST 2013
Errors in file /oracle/admin/cqtr/udump/cqtr_ora_25910.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 10 with name "_SYSSMU10$" too small
Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
USER: terminating instance due to error 704
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 25910
ORA-1092 signalled during: alter database open...
Mon Mar 25 21:45:12 CST 2013

cat cqtr_ora_25984.trc
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
System name:    Linux
Node name:      centos5229
Release:        2.6.18-164.el5
Version:        #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009
Machine:        x86_64
Instance name: cqtr
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 19
Unix process pid: 25984, image: oracle@centos5229 (TNS V1-V3)

*** 2013-03-25 21:45:51.948
*** ACTION NAME) 2013-03-25 21:45:51.948
*** MODULE NAMEsqlplus@centos5229 (TNS V1-V3)) 2013-03-25 21:45:51.948
*** SERVICE NAME) 2013-03-25 21:45:51.948
*** SESSION ID1640.3) 2013-03-25 21:45:51.948
WAIT #0: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 1 driver id=1650815232 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1332245265574772
*** 2013-03-25 21:46:02.533
WAIT #0: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 10336884 driver id=1650815232 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275911872
XCTEND rlbk=0, rd_only=1
PARSING IN CURSOR #1 len=47 dep=0 uid=0 oct=35 lid=0 tim=1332245275913222 hv=465014134 ad='dcfdbc10'
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  database until cancel  
PARSE #1:c=2000,e=1281,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,tim=1332245275913218
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 45 file#=0 block#=1 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275914193
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 10 file#=0 block#=16 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275914230
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 8 file#=0 block#=18 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275914250
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 8 file#=0 block#=295 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275914295
WAIT #1: nam='rdbms ipc reply' ela= 250 from_process=5 timeout=21474836 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275914741
WAIT #1: nam='rdbms ipc reply' ela= 17882 from_process=5 timeout=910 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932710
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 15 file#=0 block#=1 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932794
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 6 file#=0 block#=16 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932814
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 10 file#=0 block#=18 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932833
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 4 file#=0 block#=295 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932860
WAIT #1: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 8 file#=0 block#=297 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1332245275932879
页: [1]
查看完整版本: ORA-00704,ORA-00604,ORA-00604求助