ASM and 3rd Party Snapshot Solutions - for Off-host backup
ASM and 3rd Party Snapshot Solutions - for Off-host backupINTRODUCTION
Thispresentation describes generic guidelines for Oracle Database 10gbackup/recovery using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and 3rd partypoint-in-time (PIT) copy snapshot technologies.
Althoughthe functional procedures for backup/recovery of Oracle databases are the sameregardless of whether you are using ASM or a generic file system, however, theconfiguration and setup procedures are slightly different in off-host scenarios…..and is the subject of this presentation.
Customershave been doing snapshot backups ever since 8i.
Point-in-timecopy technologies allow snapshot copies of data to be created in seconds.
Why and when would you use thissolution.
The following two primaryreasons:
•Off-hostdatabase backup and recovery (focus of this paper)
•Cloningdatabases for test and development
Thisslide illustrates the essential idea of snapshot technology.
So theidea behind snapshot technology is .. For example: 2 nodes….1 is primary theother is a backup host
Bothnodes have access to the same storage frame
A set ofvolumes called primary volumes are synchronized (mirror paired) w/ a thirdmirror copy
Thesnapshot software issues a “split” command for the third mirror set
Thisthird mirror, should then become available to the backup host
From herethe backup host has full read/write access to those volumes, and can be mountedso that they can used for backups, testing, etc.
Thisthird volume set can be resync’ed back tothe primary host…thus bringing it back inline.
We havewritten a paper on Generic guidelines and best practices for Oracle Database10g backup/recovery using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and point-in-time(PIT) copy snapshot technologies.
Thissolution requires the point-in-time option to create independent copies thatcan be split from the original (i.e. EMC TimeFinder BCV orHDS ShadowImage).
3rd party vendors who have alreadygenerated collateral on this topic
include EMC, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, and NEC.
This document assumes that the 3rd party point-in-time copytechnology has been validated using Oracle Storage Compatibility Program (OSCP)automated scripts already.
There arenumerous hardware RAID controller-based and server-based point-in-time copysolutions available by system and storage vendors today. Hardware RAIDsolutions have historically dominated the market mainly because they offloadthe point-in-time copy processing to the RAID controller and are more efficientthan server-based solutions.
However,Oracle offers an alternative solution, as a feature in the Oracle Database 10gplatform, called Flashback Database, which is the recommended continuouspoint-in-time copy solution to be utilized by customers. Oracle FlashbackDatabase let’s you quickly recover an Oracle database to a previous time tocorrect problems caused by logical data corruptions or user errors.
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