Oracle Real ApplicaTon Clusters (RAC) doesn’t work for everyone in every situaTon; that’s a fact. But in many cases RACcan work—and work well—if configured and used properly. Some issues are caused by simple misconfiguraTon. Others
are more complex, like applicaTon‐related logic issues that only surface in RAC environments. There are some issues that
appear with a relaTvely high frequency, and many of them can be fixed without knowledge of internals. This session will
review common issues in the areas of networking, storage, people, applicaTons, and tesTng, examining the issues and
their soluTons.
To support the discussion that follows, these definiTons may be helpful:
Term DefiniEon
Database the control files, data files, and online redo logs
Instance the shared memory and background processes that operate on a database
Clusterware soDware that manages cluster membership and monitors the nodes and networks in a cluster
Storage Area
Network (SAN)
a storage environment where mulTple servers can uTlize a single storage array; a storage
network is commonly implemented using fiber channel technology
Local Storage
disk space that is available to exactly one node in a cluster; this storage may be part of a SAN or
may be direct‐aUached to the server
Shared Storage
disk space that is available to more than one node in a cluster at the same Tme; this storage is
commonly part of a SAN
Raw Device the character (unbuffered) special device presented by the operaTng system
Cluster Filesystem a special filesystem that can be accessed by mulTple cluster nodes at the same Tme
Oracle AutomaTc
Storage Management
soDware that will manage disks directly and provide volume management funcTons like striping
and mirroring; this feature was new with Oracle Database 10g
the tradiTonal "stand alone" database configuraTon used by most Oracle environments today
a single database serviced by more than one instance
Oracle Services
an enTty defined in RAC databases that allow you to group database workloads in order to route
work to the instances best able to complete the work opTmally
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