311ybb 发表于 2016-9-23 16:19:21

AWR中IO pfoile/stat的疑问

本帖最后由 311ybb 于 2016-9-23 16:33 编辑

load profile里 Read IO requests+Write IO requests=10516.8+292.9=10809.7 ,这个表示的是数据库的IOPS?
这个值和IO profile中Database Requests=10,809.7值相等,两个指标的值也和instance statitics中physical read IO requests(10,516.83)、physical write IO requests(292.85)相等。

LoadProfile里的Read IO (MB) (244.0)、Write IO (MB)(9.5)指标值和instance statitics中physical read bytes(255,809,858.51) 、physical write bytes (9,958,345.34)相等,但指标值略小于IO Profile中的 Total (MB): 257.7  246.1        11.7读写IO指标。

IO Profile中的Total Requests:(2,562.5) 和 IO stat中的TOTAL(Reqs per sec:read)+TOTAL(Reqs per sec:write)=2160.55+397.95,指标值明显和load profile和IO profile中的Read IO requests+Write IO requests、Database Requests的值有很大差异。

IO profile、IOstat中的total统计指的是什么?  IO stat中统计的数据库内进程IO request为什么和IO profile中Database Requests的值有这么大的差异?

physical read IO requests
Number of read requests for application activity (mainly buffer cache and direct load operation) which read one or more database blocks per request. This is a subset of "physical read total IO requests" statistic.

physical read total IO requests
Number of read requests which read one or more database blocks for all instance activity including application, backup and recovery, and other utilities. The difference between this value and "physical read total multi block requests" gives the total number of single block read requests.

Liu Maclean(刘相兵 发表于 2016-9-23 17:08:49

请一个一个 提问题,一次提太多问题 接受不了

311ybb 发表于 2016-10-2 21:41:38


Liu Maclean(刘相兵 发表于 2016-10-6 18:41:34

311ybb 发表于 2016-10-2 21:41 static/image/common/back.gif

你的观点有点过激吧?这个论坛基本是靠我一个人在维护, 对应最近几年本质工作更忙一些,论坛的回复延迟和频率都会下降,但这不影响 这个论坛的存在意义。
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