stardust 发表于 2015-2-25 15:34:09


在逛MOS的时候突然想起来自己下载的cloud control 12C 还没有代理,就去搜了一下相关的文章,发现CLOUD CONRTROL Administrator文档提供的解决步骤有Registering the Proxy Details for My Oracle Support这一步,我想知道,是否必须要通过MOS认证才能安装代理,如果是,在局域网环境下如何使用CLOUD CONTROL?

Liu Maclean(刘相兵 发表于 2015-2-25 15:44:26

SELFUPDATE 存在一个offline mode ,所以还是可以搞定的。

14.3.2 Applying an Update in Offline Mode

Under certain circumstances, such as in high security environments, an active Internet connection between Enterprise Manager and the Enterprise Manager Update Store may not be available. In such situations, the Self Update feature can be used in offline mode.

The update process still requires that a computer exist at your site that has Internet access, as a connection to the Enterprise Manager Update Store is still required to obtain the updates. Update files from this computer can then be transferred to a computer behind your firewall.

The generic offline mode update procedure is as follows:

Ensure that Cloud Control is set to offline mode. From the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Offline Patching.

Change the setting for Connection to Offline.

Click Check Updates on the Self Update home page. A message is displayed that contains the URL to be accessed to download a catalog of all updates.

From an Internet-enabled computer, download the catalog file using the aforementioned URL.

Copy the downloaded file to the Oracle Management Service host or the Management Agent host you will deploy the update to.

Run the emcli import_update_catalog command to import the file into the Oracle Management Service instance or the Management Agent you want to update.

Review the update from Self Update Home and click Download in the Actions menu. A message displays with a URL and instructions.

Click Apply in the Actions menu to apply the update.
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查看完整版本: CLOUD COUTROL代理安装是否需要通过MOS认证?