dbca 无法使用ASM
数据库版本: RAC使用DBCA创建实例,访问ASM报如下错误
The ASM instance configured on the local node is a single-instance ASM. To create a single-instance database using this ASM instance, restart DBCA and select the Single-Instance database option. To create a RAC database using this ASM instance, convert it to RAC ASM first.
查询MOS 发现与1475740.1很像 但是状态都正常
wst1$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora.wst.db application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora....t1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora....t2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora....T1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora.wst1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora.wst1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora.wst1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE wst1
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
ora....T2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
ora.wst2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
ora.wst2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
ora.wst2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE wst2
随后使用srvctl 查看asm节点1 没有反应 但是节点二正常
wst1$ srvctl status asm -n wst1
wst1$ srvctl status asm -n wst1
wst1$ srvctl config asm -n wst1
wst1$ srvctl status asm -n wst2
ASM instance +ASM2 is running on node wst2.
大家帮忙分析下什么原因 RAC,dbca认为ASM是单节点的,而非RAC 。 可以认为RAC安装过程中存在问题 不是我安装的
查看 /etc/oratab 是否有asm相关记录,上次遇到过。
在没ASM实例情况下,这里面不应该有asm相关信息的 去了 提示找不到ASM实例
dbca detected that there is no asm instance configured on the local node 从另外一个节点执行dbca提示
asm is present on the cluster but needs to be extended to the following nodes do you want asm to be extended?
PRKS-1003: Failed to register CRS resource for ASM instance {0} on node
CRS-0211: Resource has already been registered