Flashback Data Archive
Data History and RetentionData retention and change control requirements are growing
Regulatory oversight and Compliance
Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, Basel-II, Internal Audit
Business needs
Extract “temporal” dimension of data
Understand past behavior and manage customer relationships profitably
Failure to maintain appropriate history & retention is expensive
Legal risks
Loss of Reputation
Current approaches to manage historical data are inefficient and often ineffective
Introducing Flashback Data Archive
Transparently tracks historical changes to all Oracle data in a highly secure and efficient manner
Historical data is stored in the database and can be retained for as long as you want
Special kernel optimizations to minimize performance overhead of capturing historical data
Historical data is stored in compressed form to minimize storage requirements
Automatically prevents end users from changing historical data
Seamless access to archived historical data
Using “AS OF” SQL construct
Extremely easy to set up
enable history capture in minutes!
Completely transparent to applications
Centralized and automatic management
multiple tables can share same Retention and Purge policies
automatic purge of aged history