11203 grid root.sh脚本报错
OS:Linux 5.9 64位DB:
# /u01/app/
Performing root user operation for Oracle 11g
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: :
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/
Creating trace directory
User ignored Prerequisites during installation
OLR initialization - successful
root wallet
root wallet cert
root cert export
peer wallet
profile reader wallet
pa wallet
peer wallet keys
pa wallet keys
peer cert request
pa cert request
peer cert
pa cert
peer root cert TP
profile reader root cert TP
pa root cert TP
peer pa cert TP
pa peer cert TP
profile reader pa cert TP
profile reader peer cert TP
peer user cert
pa user cert
Adding Clusterware entries to inittab
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'hp580hbdb1' failed
CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'ora.cssd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2681: Clean of 'ora.cssd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'hp580hbdb1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'hp580hbdb1' succeeded
CRS-5804: Communication error with agent process
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
CSS startup failed with return code 1
The exlusive mode cluster start failed, see Grid Infrastructure alert log for more information
Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/ for details
/u01/app/ -I/u01/app/ -I/u01/app/ /u01/app/ execution failed
# 1》。CRS-4530: Communications failure contacting Cluster Synchronization Services daemon
看下是否有cssd.log 中是否有有意义的信息
2》。看下 Grid Infrastructure alert log 集群alert 日志 是否有有意义的信息