lory 发表于 2014-2-23 20:37:58

partitioned IOT的 partition key为啥一定要是primary key的子集呢

For index-organized tables, the set of partitioning columns must be a subset of the
primary key columns. Because rows of an index-organized table are stored in the
primary key index for the table, the partitioning criterion has an effect on the
availability. By choosing the partition key to be a subset of the primary key, an insert
operation only needs to verify uniqueness of the primary key in a single partition,
thereby maintaining partition independence.

10g administration里的一段描述,为啥一定partition key为啥一定要是primary key的子集呢


psufnxk2000 发表于 2014-2-23 22:46:12

因为 它 主键索引 也是分区的。

lory 发表于 2014-2-24 20:27:28

今天在网上查了好久,参考上面这个连接,里面说了为啥unique index 做local partition时,partition column 必须是index column的子集。情况是一样的
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