Best Practice – Oracle GoldenGate and Oracle Data Guard - Switchove
Best Practice – Oracle GoldenGate and Oracle Data Guard - Switchover/Fail-over OperationsOracle GoldenGate is Oracle’s strategic replication solution for data distribution and data integration. Oracle Data Guard is Oracle’s strategic Disaster Recovery (DR) solution for the Oracle Database. It is common for customers to deploy both capabilities within the same configuration given the important role of each technology. For example, GoldenGate capture processes can be deployed on a source database that is also a primary or a standby database in a Data Guard configuration. Likewise, a database that is a target for GoldenGate replication can also be a primary database protected by a Data Guard standby. This document provides best practices for managing such a configuration when Data Guard role transitions are necessary (switchover or failover operations where the primary and standby databases reverse roles).
这也有啊?????? 两个一起用?没想过这种可能 最近刚好在研究,下来学习。 忍不住,还是下载看看,谢谢分享 最近刚好在研究,下来学习。 好文
望文兴叹 果然是好文,没看到过啊 晚上回去买。 有点小贵,不过还是支持下! aiirii 发表于 2012-7-18 10:16 static/image/common/back.gif
您是说 DATA GUARD + GOLDENGATE 一起安装在同一台服务器上?