whiterain 发表于 2013-12-30 16:38:18

oracle 11gr2 rac haip 和vlan的关系

Hi 刘大:
        环境: linux6.4  
                    oracle   rac
         想做haip,用4个网卡做private network。
               4个private network ,用同一个vlan,还是用4个vlan?
               haip采用的是multi cast 吗?

kevinlin.ora 发表于 2013-12-31 10:51:32

可以看下RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (Platform Independent) (文档 ID 810394.1):
Dedicated redundant switches are highly recommended for the private interconnect due to the fact that deploying the private interconnect on a switch (even when using a VLAN) may expose the interconnect links to congestion and instability in the larger IP network topology. If deploying the interconnect on a VLAN, there should be a 1:1 mapping of VLAN to non-routable subnet and the VLAN should not span multiple VLANs (tagged) or multiple switches. Deployment concerns in this environment include Spanning Tree loops when the larger IP network topology changes, Asymmetric routing that may cause packet flooding, and lack of fine grained monitoring of the VLAN/port.  Reference Bug 9761210.

NOTE: If using the Redundant Interconnect/HAIP feature - At present it is REQUIRED that all interconnect interfaces be placed on separate subnets.  If the interfaces are all on the same subnet and the cable is pulled from the first NIC in the routing table a rebootless-restart or node reboot will occur.  See Document 1481481.1 for a technical description of this requirement.

whiterain 发表于 2013-12-31 12:00:19

ok, thanks!

licharles 发表于 2014-1-1 14:02:22

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查看完整版本: oracle 11gr2 rac haip 和vlan的关系