本帖最后由 wrx0815 于 2013-12-19 14:26 编辑关于srvctl命令,大多数人和我应够都只停留在命令的使用上,但在RAC环境下,它和直接对实例的操作有什么具体的区别呢?特想maclean请教一下。也是最近发现了一个现象。
当我使用 srvctl 命令启动RAC端的监听时,在单点上通过 tnsnames 中的连接字符串却无法正常连接到数据库。我使用的是:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))
报错提示 no listener,但我使用lsnrctl命令启动每个节点监听后,单点通过tnsnames却可以正常连接数据库,每次连接都成功。
我自己没想明白为什么,srvctl 命令执行的时候,到底做了哪些工作? 你可以理解为 srvctl 做了组合拳, 具体如何组合的 你可以参考crsd.log Liu Maclean(刘相兵 发表于 2013-12-19 15:23 static/image/common/back.gif
你可以理解为 srvctl 做了组合拳, 具体如何组合的 你可以参考crsd.log
一下是抓到的 srvctl 组合拳内容:
/u01/crs1020/jdk/jre/bin/java -classpath /u01/crs1020/jlib/netcfg.jar:/u01/crs1020/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar:/u01/crs1020/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/u01/crs1020/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/crs1020/jlib/srvmhas.jar:/u01/crs1020/jlib/srvmasm.jar:/u01/crs1020/srvm/jlib/srvctl.jar -DTRACING.ENABLED=true -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 oracle.ops.opsctl.OPSCTLDriver start listener -n rac2
tracing is true at level 2 to file null
Security manager is set
parsing cmdline args
parsing 2-word cmdline
Going into GetActiveNodes constructor...
Module init : 16
Local Module init : 19
Created instance of Library.
Loading libsrvmhas10.so...
oracleHome null
Loading library srvmhas10 from path=
Loaded library srvmhas10 from path=
prsr_trace: no lsf ctx, line=Native: allocHASContext
allocHASContext: Came in
allocHASContext: META context
allocHASContext: LSF context
prsr_trace: Native: prsr_initCLSS
allocHASContext: CLSS context
allocHASContext: retval
HAS Context Allocated: 1 to oracle.ops.mgmt.has.ClusterUtil@8a0d5d
ClusterUtil Instance created
ClusterUtil m_bSKGXN=true
prsr_trace: Native: getLocalNodeName
prsr_trace: Native: getLocalNodeName:nodenumber: 1
prsr_trace: Native: getLocalNodeName:nodename: rac1
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames:number of nodes: 2
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames:node 1 is alive k = 0
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames:1 nodename: rac1
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames:node 2 is alive k = 1
prsr_trace: Native: getNodeNames:2 nodename: rac2
Inside GetActiveNodes :rac1
Started clusterware daemon thread
Out of GetActiveNodes constructor.
srvctl: nodes in cluster:
srvctl: node 0: rac1
srvctl: node 1: rac2
executing srvctl command
executing 2-word command verb=3 noun=107
in constructor with rac2
Creating listener with node name as rac2 and resource name as ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr and listener name as LISTENER_RAC2
Trying to find the status of ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr on node rac2
Setting to be a synchronized operation
Module init : 6
Local Module init : 4
prsr_trace: Native: allocHASContext
allocHASContext: Came in
prsr_trace: Native: prsr_initSCLS
allocHASContext: SCLS context
allocHASContext: retval
HAS Context Allocated: 2 to oracle.ops.mgmt.has.Util@1ccb029
Util Instance created.
prsr_trace: Native: getCRSHome
prsr_trace: Native: getCRSHome crs_home=/u01/crs1020(**)
getCRSHome: ret=/u01/crs1020
CRS_HOME: /u01/crs1020
Checking an existence of CRS command
SyncBufferFull:Acquire called by thread GetActiveNodesThread m_count=0
Finding the status of ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr on rac2
LocalCommand.execute: Calling run method
Executing the HA operation /u01/crs1020/bin/crs_statora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr
CRS cmd is: /u01/crs1020/bin/crs_stat -u ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr
Calling Runtime.exec() with the command
In StreamReader.run
runCommand: Waiting for the process
runCommand: process returns 0
In StreamReader.run
RunTimeExec: output>
RunTimeExec: error>
Returning from RunTimeExec.runCommand
set status OK
Returned from executing the HA Operation
OUTPUT> TYPE=application
LocalCommand.execute: Returned from run method
got status: resource=ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnrtarget=OFFLINE status=OFFLINE host=null
online status of ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr on rac2 is false
Running new start ..
Setting to be a synchronized operation
Module init : 6
Local Module init : 0
HAS Context Allocated: 3 to oracle.ops.mgmt.has.Util@1764be1
Util Instance created.
prsr_trace: Native: getCRSHome
prsr_trace: Native: getCRSHome crs_home=/u01/crs1020(**)
getCRSHome: ret=/u01/crs1020
CRS_HOME: /u01/crs1020
Checking an existence of CRS command
Starting service for ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr on rac2
LocalCommand.execute: Calling run method
Executing the HA operation /u01/crs1020/bin/crs_startora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr
CRS cmd is: /u01/crs1020/bin/crs_start ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr -f
Calling Runtime.exec() with the command
In StreamReader.run
runCommand: Waiting for the process
In StreamReader.run
OUTPUT>Attempting to start `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2`
OUTPUT>Start of `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2` succeeded.
runCommand: process returns 0
RunTimeExec: output>
Attempting to start `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2`
Start of `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2` succeeded.
RunTimeExec: error>
Returning from RunTimeExec.runCommand
set status OK
Returned from executing the HA Operation
OUTPUT> Attempting to start `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2`
OUTPUT> Start of `ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr` on member `rac2` succeeded.
LocalCommand.execute: Returned from run method