Troy 发表于 2013-12-10 14:43:58 RAC数据库AWR,烦请帮忙分析




1. Hard Parse:平均每秒32个,Execute to Parse %为35.2,% SQL with executions>1为53%
2. dc_histogram_defs和dc_histogram_data也比较高
3. enq: TX - row lock contention平均等待488ms(逻辑读和物理读平均等待2到3ms)


xteitxu 发表于 2013-12-10 17:04:30

Library Hit %: 81.90 Soft Parse %: 80.30   好低啊

cpasdfx5200 发表于 2013-12-10 17:15:06

shared pool 加大4400M

UPDATE so_meannc SET ts='2013-12-03 08:58:23', ntotalinvoicenum = :1 WHERE pk_so_meannc = :2

这条语句 要跑 31,642 S ?

545459983 发表于 2013-12-10 17:15:18

sql 语句select count ( freevalueid ) from gl_freevalue where checkvalue = '0001651000000005XXK1' and checktype in ( '00010000000000000071', '00010000000000000072', '00010000000000000073' ) and freevalueid in ( select distinct assid from gl_detail where gl_detail.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct id from dap_rtvouch_b where dap_rtvouch_b.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct assid from gl_verifydetail where gl_verifydetail.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct assid from gl_modelsetdetail where gl_modelsetdetail.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct dfreevalueid from gl_subrelation where gl_subrelation.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct cfreevalueid from gl_subrelation where gl_subrelation.dr = 0 and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct freevalueid from gl_subtoass, gl_subrelation where gl_subtoass.dr = 0 and gl_subrelation.dr = 0 and gl_subtoass.pk_subrelation = gl_subrelation.pk_subrelation and pk_corp = '1135' union all select distinct freevalueid from gl_subtoass, gl_subrelation where gl_subtoass.dr = 0 and gl_subrelation.dr = 0 and gl_subtoass.pk_subrelation = gl_subrelation.pk_subrelation and pk_corp = '1135' )
这个sql 物理读过高105,210,988

xteitxu 发表于 2013-12-10 17:23:14

刚发现你这快照间隔太长了吧     搞个一个小时的分析

当时库里应该有锁吧?  同时UPDATE  还没执行完
8rk1fzpya5yq6 UPDATE so_meannc SET ts='2013-12-05 08:31:39', ntotalinvoicenum = :1 WHERE pk_so_meannc = :2
8vs7ctx6pd2nf UPDATE so_meannc SET ts='2013-12-03 08:58:23', ntotalinvoicenum = :1 WHERE pk_so_meannc = :2

2y8a6j7b3xz5k UPDATE so_salepreorder_b SET ts='2013-12-04 19:32:18', ntotalpondernum = :1 WHERE pk_saledispose_b = :2
559wc7n9kpb68 update so_saleinvoice set ts='2013-12-05 16:22:23', bfreecustflag = :1, binitflag = :2, btogoldtax = :3,

renjixinchina 发表于 2013-12-10 17:35:41

本帖最后由 renjixinchina 于 2013-12-10 17:39 编辑

enq: TX - row lock contention         189,140         92,330         488         33.2        Application
看下活动进程 被什么sql阻塞

Troy 发表于 2013-12-10 23:19:03



weiranth 发表于 2013-12-11 11:32:03

cd2zjpv26y5wh 和 bwq4c63ng4j09  这2条sql 在node1 和node2 上都出现了,分别对应的logical read 和pyhical read 都很高,可能需要优化一下!

lgang403 发表于 2013-12-11 16:49:57


Troy 发表于 2013-12-11 20:57:25

lgang403 发表于 2013-12-11 16:49 static/image/common/back.gif

操作系统版本为AIX 5.3

xifenfei 发表于 2013-12-12 02:36:16

1. 64g内存,session数最大多少,oltp为什么给数据库的只有20G左右?
2. top sql大力气优化
3. 恶心的拼接sql

SKYLINE.LIU 发表于 2013-12-12 11:21:44

parse time elapsed        2,064.38        9.69
hard parse elapsed time        1,952.95        9.17

parse time elapsed        2,486.83        13.04
hard parse elapsed time        2,384.27        12.50硬解析占用时间比较多,使用刘大提供的方法《利用FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE捕获非绑定变量SQL》查一下非绑定变量语句看一下
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查看完整版本: RAC数据库AWR,烦请帮忙分析