操作系统:IBM AIX 5.3数据库版本:
SELECT * FROM v$logstdby_process;
结果:BUILDER 16243 ORA-16243: paging out 48552 bytes of memory to disk
一直是paging out,日志无法同步
附件是select * from dba_logstdby_events 中的数据
select * from v$logstdby_stats中数据如下:
number of preparers 4
number of appliers 15
maximum SGA for LCR cache 4095
parallel servers in use 22
maximum events recorded 100
preserve commit order TRUE
transaction consistency FULL
record skip errors Y
record skip DDL Y
record applied DDL N
record unsupported operations N
coordinator state IDLE
transactions ready 1
transactions applied 0
coordinator uptime 2695
realtime logmining Y
apply delay 0
Log Miner session ID 1
txns delivered to client 3928576
DML txns delivered 3777007
DDL txns delivered 271
CTAS txns delivered 52
Recursive txns delivered 151298
Rolled back txns seen 56404
LCRs delivered to client 32244538
bytes of redo processed 18029799220
bytes paged out 40417072
seconds spent in pageout 1359
bytes checkpointed 0
seconds spent in checkpoint 0
bytes rolled back 42768
seconds spent in rollback 3
seconds system is idle 0
请刘大和各位朋友帮忙分析一下原因,谢谢! 昨天处理操作是:
dbms_logstdby.skip('ALTER TABLE','CUECM','T_REPORT_REALTIME_ITEM_2');
结果还是有paging out发生 $ oerr ora 16243
16243, 00000, "paging out %s bytes of memory to disk"
// *Cause: Builder process is paging out momery to free up space in lcr
// cache.
// *Action: No action necessary, this informational statement is provided
// to record the event for diagnostic purposes.
find some solution:
1. shutdown immediate the logical standby database
2. startup the logical standby database
3. increased max_sga for lcr cache
4. set up a skip procedure for the object we're 99% sure is the object in
max_sga 增加过了吗? 之前有很大的事务? Maclean Liu(刘相兵 发表于 2013-11-17 15:10 static/image/common/back.gif
max_sga 增加过了吗? 之前有很大的事务?
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_61cd89f60102eemt.html 这是我的处理过程