在官方文档"Managing Partitioned Table and Indexes"中有一段话如下:
A local index is constructed so that it reflects the structure of the underlying table. It is equipartitioned with the underlying table, meaning that it is partitioned on the same columns as the underlying table, creates the same number of partitions or subpartitions, and gives them the same partition bounds as corresponding partitions of the underlying table. For local indexes, index partitioning is maintained automatically when partitions are affected by maintenance activity. This ensures that the index remains equipartitioned with the underlying table.
对于这个部分不是很清楚,请前辈指点! Oracle 10g r2 文档 试着说一下主要意思。本地索引创建时需要和对应表(underlying table)的分区一样(比如一张分区表有12个分区,那创建的本地索引也要12个分区)。