[INS-20802] Automatic storage Management Configuration Failed.
Automatic storage Management Configuration Failed.安装 GRID Infrastructure,遇到INS-20802,查看日志的话,如果是已存+ASM,可通过 修改/etc/oratab里来去掉旧的参数,让它retry通过。
INFO: Read: Unable to connect to local ASM Instance.
The following error occured: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified 1、没有版本信息
2、 没有平台信息
3、 估计你在runInstaller 之前设置了NLS_LANG error:(也在这一步报错),查看日志,
INFO: Read: Unable to connect to local ASM Instance. The following error occured: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified