关于OGG的replicat侧参数APPLYNOOPUPDATES | NOAPPLYNOOPUPDATES,文档的解释不是很理解,目前项目中遇到大量的原值覆盖更新,即update c1= v1 where c1 = v1的操作,且该列为实际主键,但是没有加入PK约束。不知道设置该参数会不会有性能上的帮助呢? APPLYNOOPUPDATES
数据复制典型错误 - GGS ERROR 160 Use ALLOWNOOPUPDATES to process the update
2010-05-07 10:16:01 GGS ERROR 160 Encountered an update for target table
CASEM.BILLING_ERROR_TEMP, which has no unique key defined. KEYCOLS can be used
to define a key. Use ALLOWNOOPUPDATES to process the update without applying i
t to the target database. Use APPLYNOOPUPDATES to force the update to be applie
d using all columns in both the SET and WHERE clause.