lory 发表于 2012-12-29 15:38:24

goldengate的taril file里唯一确定transaction的标记疑问

在看到Oracle® GoldenGate
Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide
11g Release 1 Patch Set 1 (
文档里说明trail file 格式的解释的时候对IO Time的说明如下:
IO Time
The timestamp of the commit record, in local time of the source
system, in GMT format. All records in a transaction will have the
same commit timestamp. The combination of IO Time and AuditRBA
uniquely identifies data from a given transaction

IO Time 和AuditRBA加起来可以唯一确定某个事务里的数据,也就是说这两个加起来是唯一确定事务的标记

我在想,如果两个事务同时进行,然后他们在同一个时间点commit,那么IO Time会不会就一样了呢,那怎么区分唯一性呢

Maclean Liu(刘相兵 发表于 2012-12-29 21:27:37


For some data sources, such as NonStop, this is the relative byte address of the commit
record. In this case all records in a transaction will have the same commit relative byte
address. IO Time + AuditRBA uniquely identifies data for that transaction.

IO Time
The timestamp of the commit record, in local time of the source
system, in GMT format. All records in a transaction will have the
same commit timestamp.

不存在2个事务 的commit timestamp+ rba地址 一致的可能
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